Mr. Winston

Mr. Winston
In deep thought

Lesson For 8th Grade Health

The Food Pyramid
Lesson for 8th Grade Health Class
By: Anwar Winston


Students will be asked to name some of the foods that they enjoy eating the most. They will also be asked if they know exactly what kind of food they are eating and what food group it belongs to.


Students will be asked to create and present a power point slide show consisting of no less than 5 slides, and no more than 10. They will also be required to know what the six major food groups are and how they make up the food pyramid. The power point must have at least 1 hyperlink that connects to one of the websites that they used as a reference.


· Identify the names and importance of the six major food groups
· Give an example of a food in each food group
· List the suggested daily servings of each food group
· Utilize web resources provided by searching for food pyramid.


1. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003


A - Student completed task with all required components. Student also displayed great creativity with design and layout of power point.
B - Student completed task with all required components. Student also showed good creativity with design of power point.
C - Student completed most of the task with the majority of all required components. Student showed some creativity and effort.
F - Student completed some of the task with very few of the required components.

Upon successful completion of power point slide show presentation, all students will be invited to a “Food Pyramid Party” where all of the food groups will be represented in a buffet style party.

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